Reading suggestions


Looking for inspiration on what to read next?

Subscribe the Library E-news for more info on the collections and book reviews from staff.

Librarians choice

Each month our librarians curate a list of new novels, biographies, non-fiction books and other new items that have been added to the collection.

Summer Reading Guide 2022/23(PDF, 4MB)

Librarians Choice November 2022

Librarians Choice October 2022

New Items List June 2022(PDF, 4MB)

Seasonal reading guides

Our librarians put together a great selection of library books you can enjoy over the summer holidays or cozy up with in winter.

A list of these titles is available to pick up in hard copy at our libraries and can be downloaded below.

Summer Reading Guide 2022/23(PDF, 4MB) 

Winter Reading Guide 2021(PDF, 4MB)

Expand your reading horizons

Here are some sites to help you discover new authors and titles to suit your tastes.

Fantastic Fiction

Fantastic Fiction is a website with over 15,000 author bibliographies and information on over 250,000 novels and book series.

Fantastic Fiction 


Goodreads gives you personalised book recommendations tailored to your literary tastes. You can read and leave reviews, see what your friends are reading and keep track of the books you're reading, have read, and want to read.


Gale databases

You can use your library membership number to log into Gale Books and Authors to search for books, authors, genres, or topics and Gale Literature Resource Center for criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.

Book Clubs

Why not share your love of reading with others and make new friends?

Our Book Club Lending Service can give you information about local book clubs and how to start your own.